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Informational note on water demand and conservation figures in Santa Cruz and North
Monterey County (which includes Pajaro-PVWMA) as of October, 1999:
These figures can be confirmed with either the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency (Charlie
McNeish, General Manager/831-722-9292) or Bruce LeClergue, Water Resources Manager, Santa
Cruz County Planning Department (831-454-2580):
This entire area uses approximately 100,000 acre feet of water per year (a/f/yr).
Virtually all water supply (less San Lorenzo River) in Santa Cruz County is from
groundwater. We don't import water. The three major users are Santa Cruz (SCMU), which
accounts for +/-12,000 (a/f/yr), Soquel (SCWD) at +/-11,000 (a/f/yr), and PVWMA at,
currently, 69,000 (a/f/yr), +/-80% agricultural. The current sustainable yield in PVWMA is
24,000 (a/f/yr), creating an overdraft of 45,000 (a/f/yr) in PVWMA alone.
The previous sustainable yield figure in PVWMA of 31,000 (a/f/yr) was significantly
overstated and has been revised in Basin Management Plan 2000 to 24,000 (a/f/yr), the
current figure. "Best practices" conservation measures, when implemented, will yield savings
in PVWMA of 5,000 (a/f/yr) for ag and 4,000 (a/f/yr) for Municipal and Industrial. "Local
Projects" in PVWMA may yield up to another 3,500 (a/f/yr), leaving an
unresolved overdraft in PVWMA alone, after implementation of best conservation and local supply measures, of
over 32,000(a/f/yr).